Desarrollo y gestión de API

We have experience in API (Application Programming Interface) development and management connecting disconnected backend, frontend (webapp, mobile apps) environments. Our usual technology stack is PHP (Laravel, Codeigniter), Vue.JS, React, React Native, MySQL, MongoDB, Docker. The technological team is joined by the user experience and design (UX/UI) team, with which it generates synergies in order to create user-focused technological projects.

Among the services that we have within the development, integration and management of API and webservice, are:

  • Creation and maintenance of API / Web Service / Endpoints with Laravel following SOLID principles
  • Oauth2, JWT, HTTPS security layer
  • API documentation for standardized external consumption (swagger)
  • Creation of unit tests and code quality audit (sonarqube)
  • Creation of Web App to connect and manage the API web service
  • Creation of native or hybrid APPs that consumcontainere API data (Flutter, React Native)
  • Connection and integration with remote ERP, CRM APIs
  • API integration of payment platforms (banks, stripe, paycomet, truust, paypal)
  • Support and deployment in Amazon Web Service environments (RDS, Lambda, EC2, S3), Linode, Digital Ocean
  • Continuous integration (CI) and agile methodology

Why it is important to have an API in technology projects

APIs are the safest and most effective way to share data and interact on a database structure with any internal or external actor. This vision is the standard today and has many advantages, among which are:

  • Independence of all the technological applications: it allows the set of applications of the technological solution to be addressed independently.
  • Component reuse: thanks to the development and management of APIS, each element is reusable and can have its own life cycle and format independently of the rest of the components. In short, it is the ideal format for projects with long life cycles as it ensures robustness and scalability.
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